Why list building is so important is because Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms may not be around forever. This means the Likes, Loves will go away. However, if you have been building your email list you will have it forever. This is why list building is so important.

This blog has some affiliate links to products that I use. This means if you would make a purchase of any of the products, I may receive a commission but there is no extra cost to you.

How To Grow Your List

Back in the day when people would shop some retailers would have a form that they would ask the customer to fill out. This paper form had name, address and phone number. They were list building for follow up.

As time moved forward retailers changed from written form to getting it typed into their computer system. So now they would have name and at least an email address.

This became their “list” for follow up. They would follow up by mailing or calling the customer. Eventually, emails went out with surveys, coupons, sales information.

So, you see businesses have been list building for a long time.

List Building And Why You Need A Website

Today having your own website is a necessity. This is how you will build your list.

Remember if the social media platforms disappear and so will the people that have followed you.

With your website this is your property and no one can take it away from you. You own this piece of property. This is how you will collect their email addresses and use for follow up after they have commented on your blogs or purchased a product or service from you. if you are not sure who to trust I use Namecheap.

Your website has become your store front!

Hilary and I discuss this in the video below. Watch and learn what we are talking about on how you build your list.

Why List Building Is Important For Your Business

How Your Website Becomes Your Store Front

When you have your blog, you can put what is called a side bar on the side. This can hold information about you, a box for them to put their email to be notified when your next blog comes out. You can put a box they can click that will take them to a product or service you have. This is called an optin.

So when they enter into your cart you have in place they have given their email.

The form has a button to click when they enter their email. The button is attached to your autoresponder. There are several, Aweber, Keap, Constant Contact, Mailchimp. These are just a few.

Now, you can follow up with them. This is how you are going to start to build your relationship.

Building The Relationship

The relationship is what is important. People like it when they feel someone is NOT trying to SELL them something. So you sent emails with news of your next blog or content with value you are giving to them, videos with content that will help them. These videos could be your own or one that has information of what you would be giving value.

This builds Trust with the follow up. You are focusing on them and the problem they might be having. As the trust grows you can recommend something for that problem. As they trust you it helps build your business.

How Big Should Your List Be?

I have heard some people say, “you should have as many people on your list as possible.” Some will actually give a number, 10,000, 1,000.

I don’t know about you but I don’t believe I could do anyone justice in giving value and trying to help them if I had to worry about 10,000 people. I believe even a 1,000 people would make me feel like I am just sending content to be sending content not value!

So I guess the number should be what you are comfortable with. Obviously, more than 1 or 2 but a number that does not overwhelm you to keep up with list building for your emails.

Besides your blog and your posts on social media, you can ask people to join your newsletter or notification of your next blog. When you do this make sure again your content has good value in it.

These are some suggestions why it is so important and how to grow your list.

If you found value here please share this blog and comment below with any questions.

To Your Success,


Deb Andrews
Deb Andrews

I mentor entrepreneurs to bring and grow their business online by giving value and strategies that will bring more leads and sales.

    6 replies to "Why List Building Is So Important And How To Grow It"

    • Heidi Albertson

      Great Post Deb!! Your email list is one of your business's most profitable assets. This information is great for building your business.

      • Deb Andrews

        Thank you, Heidi. Yes the list is how we grow and can personally help others. Thank you for commenting.

    • Roy A Ackerman, PhD EA

      I have always seen these sort of messages. Thankfully, my subscriber list is substantial- so much so that if I wanted to send out messages, I'd have to make my own program since the conventional mail programs won't handle that volume.
      But, I don't. I promised my subscribers that I would only send them something when I had a book offer at a discount or free to them. And, my freebie broadsheets are available at their request- if they are subscribers.

      • Deb Andrews

        Roy, thank you for commenting. We never want to inundate our subscribers with every little bit.

    • Dominique Walton Brooks

      I am working on my list more now. I think it's harder now because there is so much out there! But it is doable! Great post!

      • Deb Andrews

        Thank you for commenting, Dominique. Having a list should make it easier.

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