The suggestion for today’s blog was given as listing a few reasons why I am doing this challenge.
This is the third time I have participated in this challenge.
Actually, the first time I didn’t realize what it would take. How hard can it be to write a blog a day?! It took about maybe 10 days and I was starting to fall behind. I was fairly new to blogging and thought this would help me. It did only it was like Lucy and Ethel in the candy factory. Come on even if you never saw it, some shows will play that particular scene!
On top of learning things for my business, helping others learning for their business, every day things to do, laundry, cleaning, groceries you know, I couldn’t keep up.
Now I understood why my mentor said weeks before the challenge started, start writing blogs now!!
So challenge number 1 was a bust!

Challenge #2
So on to the next challenge. I was prepared this time! I had written a few blogs that got me started for about a week.
This challenge was different because I was different. I had been here before and knew. Also my mind frame was different.
I totally enjoyed this challenge as I knew first I was keeping up and I was learning more about writing a blog.
Yes, I completed this challenge. What a great feeling.
I registered for challenge #3.
Why I am doing this challenge
There are several reasons why I am doing this challenge. I actually have a list why!
1. I still consider myself a new blogger
2. The more I write, my content should be getting better
3. My writing skills also should be getting better
4. This is helping me getting used to writing
5. It is helping me learn SEO
6. It is helping me with readability
These are the reasons I am blogging this time. I want to get better at this for my business. I need to be able to give value for those that are and will be following me. The more I learn the better I will be able to help someone who wants to learn or just polish for their blogging to be better.
To Your Success,
6 replies to "Why I am In The Ultimate Blog Challenge"
Congrats on being a new Blogger and being her for the third time. I've been blogging for 12 years and I've stopped and started the challenge a lot of times But I always try and finish but there is times I didn't which is okay because I learned from others and made new friends.
Glenda, I so totally agree about learning from others. Today I had to, well I didn’t have to, write 2 blogs. The first was for yesterday and then today’s. It was very late last night and I just couldn’t look at the computer anymore! Thank you for commenting.
Welcome back, once again, Deb! Thanks for joining us!
3 times a charm! Now that you 'know the ropes,' your success has a higher probability for success, right?!? LOL. Knowing what to expect always seems to make a journey easier. It is like driving to a new destination – the drive there always seems to be longer than the ride home.
Best of luck on the UBC – although there is not much luck involved. Perhaps I should say, "Best of Work"!
Be Well.
Thanks, Paul. This challenge does get the creative juices working. Thank you for the invite and commenting.
welcome once again Deb!! And look forward to reading your posts this time around as well.. I have been doing the UBC for a while now and though I plan to write a few posts in advance, I never do ..
well, your post is inspiring me to get a few done over this coming weekend..
Thank you and it is god to see you too. Thank you for commenting.