Yes, this is part 4 of the 12 Point Checklist For Building An Online Business. Don’t fret. If this is the first blog of the series you are reading, you can read the first blog by clicking here. Yes, in order for you to make sense of the 12 Points you can read the second blog. And last you should read the third blog too. Then you will be caught up.
This blog has some affiliate links to products that I use. This means if you would make a purchase of any of the products, I may receive a commission but there is no extra cost to you.
So, we continue to build on your knowledge for the idea you have for your online business. How do you do that? You first have to do your research by seeing what is already out there.
If your idea or something close appears to be fairly popular, then you possibly have a GO for your idea on what you want to bring to people. Even if there is something close to your idea, that is OK. Only you can bring your idea and no one else will have the same approach. No one else will speak to your audience like you can.
You’re almost ready to launch your online business, but you’ve got to do some testing. No, you don’t have to sit for an exam. This testing is just research.

Week 4 – Point 9 – Testing/Focus Group
Yes, we are getting there. This is 9 of the 12 Point Checklist for Building An Online Business
You know what you would like to bring to your audience however not sure if it might work as a business, product or service.
The way you test is by posting a question. Who ever answers you can query a little bit further and see if they might be willing to be your Focus Group.
Unfortunately, this group of people might not be your target market. But this is at least a place to start. You are testing with this group. Anyone can be your focus group, your mom, aunt, cousin, sister. They can test your products and give you feed back.
Another way to find your focus group is surveys. You can actually do screening questions. You post these questions on social media and see if you can draw your real target market. Then you would take them through a test of your product or service. You can tell them they are being tested sometimes. You have to decide to tell them or not because you are looking for honest feedback.
You may have a course or ebook that you are testing. This may take a little longer to get your feedback. This should give you more honest answers for your testing.
Doing it this way can also lead to your first testimonials, or get your social following and even grow your email list.
Testing, Testing, Testing
This also means testing your buttons, the links, your email follow ups. Your focus group helps you in this way because you are so in grossed with building everything, all the technical stuff, you can just gloss over because you have been looking at it for so long.
So the testing is more than just your audience and whether they liked your product or service.

Point 10 – Analyze
Now after your testing, you need to analyze. Look at your checklist of the things you have put in place, your landing page. Is your email follow up triggering the right emails. Does everyone have access to the right course or whatever you are selling online? Can they actually put a credit card number in where it is called for?
You get to see your online business fundamentally around these things. If needed then you can make the adjustments.
This is also where you want to make sure you have the right people testing for you, your entire system. It might seem tedious but it has to be done.
The other thing you are analyzing is are the people still with you or do you hear those crickets?
You have worked hard to this point and you want it to be right. You want a successful online business. Therefore you want it to be right.
So, hopefully you have found honest people to give you good feedback.
Entrepreneurial communities that you have joined along the way will help you tweak if needed and they will be honest about it.

Point 11 – Implement
Now you want to take the time to implement the changes you may have to make. Listen to the feedback and implement what is needed.
Guess what you have to do after you have implemented the changes?
Yes, you have to test! You have to test before you launch. It is so very important to test, test, test. You might even use the same people to test again.
You are looking for and working towards what is going to fit. What is the need of your future audience, your future target audience. That is the goal.
I know you are thinking this is going to take a while to get this accomplished. To be able to get your business up and running smoothly, it will take time and effort.
So, don’t think you will watch the videos or read the blogs and then in 6 weeks you will be launching. Not if you truly want a successful online business.
If you haven’t read blog one, blog two or blog three take the time to catch up with all the points you are going to need for an online business.
To Your Success,
8 replies to "12 Point Checklist For Building An Online Business – Part 4"
This is such great info, Deb. It doesn't matter what we're marketing, you've laid it out in simple easy to understand steps. Thank you!
Victoria, that was my goal, to make it as easy to understand as possible. I truly remember what I went through. Thank you for commenting.
These are great points when starting your biz! We don't always do this though, right? Skipping this makes it more difficult to be a success!
Dominique, YES, doing business online especially starting is hard enough. I know what I went through and wanted to make it easier. Thank you for commenting.
I like how you list the steps and it's easy to follow each one.
Martha, thank you for commenting. I’m glad you found them easy as what I wanted to make them. Online business is hard enough.
Great process, and reminder, to always test your business viability.
Gwen, it seems tiresome however if we don’t do it we can be missing someone that really needs what we might have. Thank you for commenting.