Tools and Trainings for network marketers will be what is needed to bring your network marketing business or homebased business online. They will help guide you. These are what Tools and Trainings I have used when I brought my network marketing business to social media. I didn’t have a clue about social media and how to bring my network marketing business online. But this is what I learned.

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A Starting Place

The first Tools and Trainings for network marketers is Facebook. It was the starting place for me. I had a personal account but needed a business account.

So, the very first thing is setting up a business account. On a business account, you will give value about your business. Value being, depending on your niche, how it will help people, live better, work better, or make money. Content is how you will share this.

Content consists of Facebook posts, LIVEs, anything that helps build a relationship. People have to Know, Like and then they can Trust you. This is where I started.

So, you are wondering content, where do I find that?

If you have a network marketing or homebased business offline, you have content to bring it online.

OK, so now you have a business account set up. I can help if you don’t know how to get started.

So, the Facebook posts, again this is where you bring value to your readers.

But remember they have to know you. It will take a long time to get to Know you if you only post once a day.

I am recommending at least 3 times per day at different times. Morning, afternoon and evening are a good place to start.

Oh, you have a life, how will you do this? Through automation of scheduling these posts.

What this means, you sit down for a couple of hours and knock the posts out for a week. Facebook allows you to schedule or post immediately.

See how easy that was! 2 hours and your week is done.

The reason for the three different times is because you want as many people to see your posts as possible.

Not everyone is only on in the morning or evening.

Facebook LIVEs

Next are Facebook LIVEs. Scared of getting on camera? Yes, I was too at first.

But keep in mind that when someone can see you and hear you, they will Know you faster.

The faster they Know you, the quicker they will Like you. And the quicker they Like you that builds Trust.

LIVEs are not hard but if you have never done a video, I can help you.

While I am talking about video, another Tool and Training that is great is

Maybe you just can’t get over being scared to get in front of the camera.

Well, with the program, you will learn how to make videos and also voice overs.

There is a free version and of course upgrades. I started with the free version first to see if I liked it and to see if I really could create videos.

Yup, I use them on Facebook and Pinterest so far.

You can create a video and instead of putting music to it you would speak. They can hear you and Like your voice.

One of the Tools and Trainings for network marketing, I learned this from Snackable Video Marketing. Look them up on Facebook. Join the group and learn.


Another Tool and Training for network marketing is the platform Pinterest. You can really get creative here. I did not know really anything about Pinterest. It first was for Arts, Crafts, DIY, Recipes. I was a busy working nurse and didn’t have time for things like this, scrolling the internet looking at pins.

So, I had to learn what a Board was and a Pin! A great place to learn these or if you are farther ahead with Pinterest than I was, this is a free training .

Another Tool and Training for nework marketers for Pinterest, actually for your Facebook business header and posts also, is Canva.

This is another creative Tool to use. You can create some awesome pins and posts and headers.

Canva also has a free version.

WOW! Another Tool, Pic Monkey. This is another creative Tool and Training for network marketers. Pic Monkey is easy to use also and it has a free trial.

Learning the Internet

Not only did I use the Training with Pinterest but when I first got started I needed to learn the internet.

Attraction Marketing was a Training ground I “cut my teeth” on. No, I didn’t actually cut my teeth. Boy, that would hurt!

This is where I got my foundation for social media.  They taught me how to run Ads on Facebook.

Your organic posts, organic means no money being spent. These are your daily posts. They will reach people. But when you run an Ad, Facebook helps your Ad, it is a post you create, to be shown to more people. It gives your Ad a longer reach.

I started with a free program with Attraction Marketing. It is a 10 day bootcamp. It is a video that comes to you for 15 minutes for 10 days. Ferny, the moderator, tells you what you will learn with EMP. This is where I got my foundation.

You need a foundation before you can start to build. My foundation came with Attraction Marketing.

These are the Tools and Trainings I can recommend to you.

I would appreciate it if you would share this blog. There are many people out there that might want to bring their business to social media but haven’t started yet because they don’t know where to start.

If you have any questions about the Tools and Trainings I have used and recommend,please leave me a comment.

To Your Success,


Deb Andrews
Deb Andrews

I mentor entrepreneurs to bring and grow their business online by giving value and strategies that will bring more leads and sales.

    3 replies to "Tools and Trainings for Network Marketers"


      Excellent choices – Thanks

      • Deb Andrews

        Baxter, you are very welcome.

    • Stacy Russell

      You give some good tips here especially now that we all are doing our business online due to the current health crisis. At first, I went headfirst into Facebook but then learned to master Pinterest finding it to have a better ROI but all of it takes time. I tell people not to try to master more than one social media or they will stress themselves out.

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