Where do I even begin? Yes, I will have that one and that one and that one!!!
Desserts are my favorite. Even when I eat pizza, I need to have a cookie. As I said I love desserts! There hasn’t been a time that I can not remember that I didn’t like what I was eating. Sweet and gooey, chocolate, vanilla, caramel all I can say is yummy.

I have loved desserts since I can remember. When I learned how to bake at age 12, my first things I made were Christmas cookies for our family. Well, mom said I did such a great job she made me the official cookie baker. What an honor I thought. My mom worked and so I was happy to help. No I didn’t make Christmas cookies other than at Christmas time. It was kind of a pain as my brothers liked eating the frosting!
So that was my first attempts at making sweet things. As I grew and got married the variety of desserts grew. I loved making cakes at some of the holidays. Oh no they weren’t just chocolate cake or yellow cake. I made Easter Bunny cakes and tiered cakes. It was so much fun to see the creations and watch everyone get excited at what I had created. Of course how can you screw up baking a cake? They all enjoyed them.
Cakes besides cookies were my go to. My aunt made pies. I loved her pies. You name it she could make it. She encouraged me to try it. Nope cakes were easier. Actually it was the pie crust that scared me.
As time moved on and I got a little older, I got more daring. Yup, pies are my thing. Honestly I can’t tell you the last time I baked a cake.

At holiday time our families would get together and enjoy each other, laughs, good food and of course dessert. Which ever house we were going to the hostess would let me know my pies were voted to be the dessert. Even the kids loved them. So, I would ask who would like what kind of pie. When we arrived it took my husband and as my sons got older and I to carry the pies in.
I do have to be honest. There was one Thanksgiving I was to bring the pies. Well that is when the health craze seem to be getting started. So, I thought I would help everyone and got cream cheese and I don’t even remember if it was 1/3 less fat or possibly even NO FAT! You guessed it, Aunt Debby’s pies were tried but not finished. The pies that didn’t have cream cheese were fine. To this day they still talk about the Thanksgiving Aunt Debby tried to be healthy. Never again have I tried to be healthy with my pies!
Ice cream or frozen yogurt are favorites of mine too. No, I don’t go for just chocolate or vanilla. We go to the shops that carry the different flavors. Then it takes awhile to decide what flavors I want. Yes, I don’t get 2 scoops of the same thing….. boring!!
I have been doing something called 75 Hard. It is exercise, reading, drinking water and following a diet of some kind. No my diet has not been desserts! Actually, I have not had anything like that since I started the program. It is only 75 days to do this and I don’t really miss it, the desserts that is. At the beginning I thought when this is over I am going to have ice cream or an apple fritter or something gooey. As I write this my mouth is not even watering. When this 75 Hard is done I will continue doing the program only not quit as strenuous and probably won’t have many sweets either. They say sugar is the most addicting thing over all. I will stay clean until the holidays maybe.
To Your Success,
6 replies to "Yummy Desserts"
Hello Deborah, You’re making my mouth water! I love sweets too and have been on several diets, so I understand why you would want to try the healthy pies. I admire you for posting this in the middle of your 75 days off from sweets, that’s quite the control. However, the sights and smells are calorie and fat free, lol! Nowadays, I eat keto-lifestyle foods on most days and I have one day a week, usually Sundays, where I will splurge and eat whatever I want without affecting my lifestyle so I can still enjoy my sweets. Thank you for sharing.
Sending lots of love and gratitude,
Actually, as I wrote the blog I felt nothing, no cravings, no mouth watering. I was amazed. I love your name. My daughter’s name is Jaimie. Thank you for commenting.
You’re a girl after my own heart, Deb. Cookies are my fav but I wouldn’t turn down cake or pie.
Yeah! We will see how I do once my 75 days are done on this mental toughness challenge. Thank you for commenting.
I’m hungry now! Your pies and other desserts look amazingly delicious.
Marc, sorry those aren’t mine. Mine do look close to those though. I didn’t have any pictures of my own so I went looking for the closest “look a Like”. Thank you for commenting.